Monday, April 19, 2010

When can we just all get along and be happy?

If we just get along and understand each other, wouldn't it be a perfect place? I guess everyone is not perfect and we all have to learn and understand others differences. Just some people take longer than others. For example, in the book Rethinking Early Childhood Education explains how people with differences are speaking their mind. They feel it's finally okay to tell people they love someone who's the same gender, different race, and other reasons. This helps children see different perspectives and be able to allow difference in their lives. Children will be able to accept them and themselves even if they are different from the norm.
For example, I have co-workers that are confident with themselves being gay. They are open to answer curious questions and be okay with it. I believe children need to be educated because everyone has feelings that can be hurt. By reading stories about different kinds of families will help children understand there are now difference and its okay to have two moms or two dads.
I have two aunties and I'm proud of them being open with our family. As long as they're happy with each other I'm grateful to have them in my life. That's why I want to educate and make people understand that it's okay to be who they are.


  1. Aloha Bree,
    I was curious about your co-worker who is openly gay and comfortable answering questions. My question is, do the questions come from the children, families, or other co-workers? If it were questions from the children, I'd like to know how they are handled.
    Thank you for sharing,
    Taira Q.

  2. Hi Bree,
    I often wonder the same thing -- why can't we all just get along -- what would it mean if tolerance and acceptance became the goal of school over readiness and creating competition? Last week we read about race, this week about sexuality -- the blog entries last week included people being appalled by possible rejection due to race. Yet, this week, people easily shared their intolerance for those who are gay. Should tolerance and acceptance only be applied to certain diversity? How might you use your experiences and reflections to influence intolerant colleagues? How does tolerance and acceptance weave through your classroom?


  3. Why is it that the we are unable to get a long? I have also been fortunate as a child to be introduced to many different types of families. I have always been surrounded by people who have loved me no matter there personal preference in who they choose to spend their lives with. So how do as educators instill this in the children we teach and not offend the families they are apart of if they would rather not understand.

  4. Those are some great resources to have for the children. I would if by having gay coworkers if the conversations about same sex relationships easier in the classroom? And I also wonder if families are more open to having these conversations with their children? I would assume so because if they trust these teachers to watch their children they would be more open minded for their children to learn about same sex relationships. But then again it is an assumption and not everyone is as open minded as others.

  5. Hi Bree,

    I also agree that as long as people are happy, they should be allowed to live as they choose. The problem with subject is that many people do not agree that this type of union should be recognized. Religious beliefs differ and these differences cause arguments, violence and at times even wars. How do we handle an issue like this that pits acceptance of religious diversity against family diversity?
